Living with master manipulators

Living with someone who….

Goes out of their way to find fault in you.

Living with someone who…

Blames you for everything that has gone wrong.

Living for someone who…

Uses “just saying….”

Living with someone who…

Who makes comments just to see your reaction.

Living with someone who…

Doesn’t respect you. Who doesn’t support you.

Living with someone who…

Is unthankful for all you do for them.

Living with someone who…

Says “Why can’t you take a joke?”

Living with someone who…

Uses the phrase “I never said that!”

“Why are you always so angry?”

“You’re being paranoid.”

“You’re lucky I’m still here”

With someone who makes you lose outside relationships.

With someone who has a sense of entitlement.

Someone who whittles away your self esteem. You are not who you remember. You are lost. You are criticized and belittled.

Leave you feeling like you are going crazy. Losing your sense of perception, identity and self worth.

Your dreams and goals you had for yourself will start to disappear. This continues and you start to think that you’re going crazy because you don’t remember things that he swears he told you, or he acts like you didn’t tell him something you know that you did.

Walking on eggshells to make sure he’s always happy.

Someone who makes life exhausting for you. Manipulate you to achieve their own goals. They are master manipulators.

Constantly fighting for your sanity and health. Your are emotionally drained, you feel insecure and week.

This abuse can cause brain damage. They are very demanding and very critical. You may have difficulty regulating emotions, developing healthy relationships, and coping with stress. As a result, you may experience problems with memory, concentration, and thinking skills. In extreme cases, can even lead to suicide. At this point, I’m just living.

Anxiety, depression, anger, PTSD.

You are trapped and helpless.

It’s not fun

He was at first, charming, confident, and magnetic.

I didn’t know what a narcissist was.

Until I did some research after hearing the word.

Living with a narcissist is emotionally draining. The constant need for validation, the lack of empathy and attention, and the continuous put-downs takes a toll on you mentally and physically. Reach out for help. There are support groups available that can help you heal from this type of relationship.

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