Living with master manipulators

Living with someone who…. Goes out of their way to find fault in you. Living with someone who… Blames you for everything that has gone wrong. Living for someone who… Uses “just saying….” Living with someone who… Who makes comments just to see your reaction. Living with someone who… Doesn’t respect you. Who doesn’t support…

Law of Attraction~Manifestation

Attaction: noun the action or power of evoking interest, pleasure, or liking for someone or something. Back in 1997, I wanted that teenage summer love. Since I was a kid even further now in the 80’s, I used to keep a diary. I started in like grade 1! Since then, I loved to write. Like…


So I found a new thing. Cash Stuffing. Sinking Funds. You make your list of things you want to save for. For example: Car maintenance, home improvements, groceries, hair/nails, clothing, back to school, what ever you want to save for. I don’t believe it’s a new thing. There’s someone by the name of Dave Ramsey?…


IT’S 11:43 PM JANUARY 1ST 2021. I really wanted to get a post up today(and I still have 15 mins) but I have been busy with filming and editing my video today… you can check it out here: So this one is going to be quick! it’s 2021 and Corona time is till kicking our…

OMG I Can’t Remember

I had this great idea to write about something and I can’t remember what the heck it was about!! And it’s driving me crazy. I have been thinking about it for a couple days now. I have been sitting here for almost 30 minutes and I am just drawing a blank. So I decided to…


So far it’s going ok. I never thought I would be able to do it, but here I am. I of course made a list of all the different ideas just to keep me on track and have a visual. And I actually USED my planner to map it all out. And I wish I…

Im a NON-RICH YouTuber!

So Im watching (like I do all the time and every year) all the 2020 Christmas home tours of all the beautiful homes of all the rich YouTubers, and Im like, well then. I did a search for new Christmas home tours and filtered them by view count. I found many videos of little TY…

Why are kids the craziest when it’s bedtime?

I have no idea. But Im freaking tired. Seriously. “Ok, get ready for bed please!” and all hell breaks loose. Why!!!!!??????? Then it’s “Im hungry” “Im thirsty” “Just let me finish this round” “I can’t find my pyjamas” They can complain all day how tired they are and how sore their legs are after dance,…

How Not To Use Your Planner

I love having a planner. I love all the planner stickers, and the fancy colourful pens I have and the pretty pages. I love spending time writing out and planning my days, weeks, and months in my planner and using the stickers to make the pages all happy. And then, that’s it. I don’t go…

30 Weeks Pregnant

Im tired. So tired. It’s heart burn city right now. I can’t lay down at night I can’t sleep because of Restless Leg Syndrome. Everything hurts and swollen. Last night I was up ALLLLLLL night on my uncomfortable couch. I know I fell asleep for maybe an hour it was around midnight cause I missed…

Rustic Remake

So I’ve had this side table for 10 years since I got married. We picked out this asian inspired side table, coffee table and the dinning table as a set. I wanted to paint it white as I was sick of the black brown colour it’s been for the last 10 years as our decor…

Next blog post?

So I can’t decide what to write about.  There’s a lot I can write about. There’s  the diy projects  Like this wreath. And these jars. I also just finished painting this… just haven’t put it up yet.  And OMG I ALWAYS forget about my sweet potatoes in the drawer.  I give them to my mother…