Law of Attraction~Manifestation



  1. the action or power of evoking interest, pleasure, or liking for someone or something.

Back in 1997, I wanted that teenage summer love. Since I was a kid even further now in the 80’s, I used to keep a diary. I started in like grade 1! Since then, I loved to write. Like actually pen and paper writing and my love for stationary grew. Anyways, back to the summer of 1997. I still wrote. I don’t know where I thought of even heard of writing down what you want for your future. So I did that for my summer love. And I met him. AND he moved in RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET of where I stayed every summer. Although nothing serious happened and it was all just fun, I was head over heals in puppy love with this guy. And I never thought about writing about my future again. I had no idea about the law of attraction, or manifestation or your “vibrations”. Fast forward to October/November 2020. I got my new planner. I started seeing videos and Pinterest ideas about vision boards popping up (yes I have heard of them but never actually did one- but alway wanted to). So, in my new planner at the front there is some blank space. I titled the top my Dreams and visions and goals for the new year. I listed 22 items in list form. And I would look at it now and again. Oh, wait, before that I had went on google docs and with pictures I got off of google images I created an actual vision “board” type deal and printed it out. But It got lost. So, back to my planner.

One goal I have been wanting for years was to get a raise at work. Minimum wage did go up but I wanted an actual raise. Which this guy has never really done for just a stylist. Only for the manager. Well, I got my raise. I was told by my manager that she had put in a word for me and that she was advised that they (at head office) had already been talking about me and planning on giving me the raise! woohoo!! And this happened maybe within a month of me writing it down cause I know I got it in November.

My next mission for December was to get through Vlogmas on YouTube! And I did it! yay! one more crossed off my goals list!

Another goal/vision was for a new vehicle. I had a 2010 Grand Caravan. Yes it got me from A to Z but there was always issues with it and I just had enough of it and couldn’t take it anymore. So I wrote down on my list a new van/7 seater. Well. when my last issued happened with my van just before Christmas eve my catalytic convertor busted off again. Yes, again. So one day I was just randomly looking on auto trader just to see what was out there not even thinking that my husband would even go for buying a new vehicle. So a few days later, my mother in law said that she wanted to come car shopping with me whenever we were ready. I mentioned that to my husband and he said I can go anytime! WHAT! I asked him what budget he was thinking of and all he kept saying was “whatever vehicle I get better last me forever”. So I started looking at vans again and other vehicles that were 6-7 seaters. But then I was like, well, he said this one better last me forever and I defiantly don’t want to drive a van forever so Im going to get the one I want! Guys I got my JEEP! I got a 2017 Jeep Cherokee! And only 76000km on it! My dream was to have a jeep and I absolutely love it. This one was waiting for me. I got the best deal on it everyone was so shocked and in perfect working order. Another one scratched off my list!!!!

Ralph Trine wrote in In Tune With The Infinite (1897):

The law of attraction works universally on every plane of action, and we attract whatever we desire or expect. If we desire one thing and expect another, we become like houses divided against themselves, which are quickly brought to desolation. Determine resolutely to expect only what you desire, then you will attract only what you wish for.

Not only did I write these goals and visions down, I believe in God. And my Faith in Him.

“up your ask and he’s got to up His give!!” You have not because you ask not. Faith with out works is dead. If you believe in Him and are willing to work towards your dreams God WILL give you the desires of your heart.

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