So I found a new thing. Cash Stuffing. Sinking Funds. You make your list of things you want to save for. For example: Car maintenance, home improvements, groceries, hair/nails, clothing, back to school, what ever you want to save for. I don’t believe it’s a new thing. There’s someone by the name of Dave Ramsey?

So you figure out your budget for the month. So if you want to save $400 for your beauty category, when you get your first paycheck for the month, you take out what you can afford to budget towards it. Maybe it’s $50. Then the next pay check you add another $50 to it until you have reached your goal. Then you can go shopping and spend your $400!!! But if you forget your envelop when you go shopping you have to turn yourself around back home and get that money!!! AND you can’t dig into another envelope if your short 5 bucks.

Anyways, Im watching these videos on YouTube and people are just counting their money and stuffing envelopes and sharing their budgets for the world to see. My favourites are the ones with the super long nails that struggle to get their envelopes open and pick things up. But hey, they have an envelope for them so why not!

So I tried it for the first week of January with my tips that I had saved from my last few days at work before we shut down. And it’s the end of the first week and I have not touched my envelopes because I have no working vehicle and we’re in lock down lol.. so what I had put in for groceries, is still sitting in there! whoo hoo, I’ll have double for next week.

I actually think this is a ridiculous system. What’s the difference of you having the cash at home in envelopes (how many times has the word “Envelope” been used) or having in the bank and just keeping track of it there? I don’t get it. It’s the same money. Oh, wait, they actually take the cash after they have reached their goal and bring it back to the bank!! WAIT! WHAT?! Just keep it in there in the first place!!

My husband likes to set large goals. Before we moved and bought this house. He said one we reach x amount in the bank we will move. So, Im sure you can do that for your beauty category.

Anyways, here’s my YouTube video of my first cash stuffing.. lol.. And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE!!!!

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